The British Ceramic Confederation announces new chief executive (designate)

The British Ceramic Confederation (BCC), the trade association for the UK ceramics manufacturing industry, has appointed former Stoke-on-Trent South MP Rob Flello as its new chief executive (designate).He will take over from Laura Cohen, who has led the BCC for the past 13 years. She announced her decision to leave the BCC late last year.Rob, 56, is due to join the confederation in early February and will work with Laura to ensure a smooth transition.He started his career with accountants Price Waterhouse and Arthur Andersen and was MP for Stoke-on-Trent South from 2005-2017. More recently, he established a communications consultancy, working with trade associations and other organisations.BCC President Edward Naylor said: “We are delighted to welcome Rob to the BCC. The ceramic industry is facing significant challenges, both short-term with the energy crisis, and in the longer term in the move to net zero.“Rob has already proved extremely supportive of the industry during his term as MP. We believe his knowledge, experience and skill set will further strengthen the team at BCC as they work to support, safeguard and promote the industry.”Rob said: “I am delighted to be joining the BCC having worked alongside them and their members over many years. Knowing the confederation’s excellent work supporting the industry, I am excited to build on the work of Laura and the team in the years ahead.”Laura, who is also a Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor at the University of Manchester Department of Materials & Henry Royce Institute, intends to leave the BCC in late March.She said: "I have really enjoyed this role and it has been a tremendous privilege to serve the sector, representing the industry and helping it through two enormous recessions and many other challenges.“I am looking forward to working with Rob in the coming months to ensure a smooth handover. I am confident that he will bring strength of leadership, political awareness and dedication to the role.”Laura had originally planned to leave the role at an earlier time to coincide with her husband’s retirement but had felt it important to remain with the sector as it dealt with the initial impact of the pandemic.


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