Free lecture to explore ceramics manufacturing processes

ACADEMICS and industrialists are invited to a free online event exploring development and innovation in the ceramics industry, one of the UK’s Foundation Industry sectors.The Frank Scott Russell Memorial Lecture on Wednesday, March 3, will kick off the 2021 events programme from the Ceramics Innovation Network (CIN), which will bring together academics and industrialists to explore the development and innovation opportunities of sintering and firing in the ceramics industry.The speakers are refractory specialist Jan Theron, of materials technology company Lucideon, who will give a lecture entitled From Toffee Bond to Ceramic Bond, and Professor Ian Reaney, who will provide an update on the Transforming Foundation Industries Network+ initiative.Jon Flitney, Energy and Innovation Manager at the British Ceramic Confederation, said: “This is a great opportunity to learn more about this part of the manufacturing process and look towards future developments in the ceramics industry.”CIN consists of the British Ceramic Confederation (BCC) and Lucideon, and is supported by the University of Surrey, the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) and the Frank Scott Russell Memorial Fund.Book your place here.


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