Financial help available for clay workers in need

WORKERS in the ceramics industry who are suffering financial difficulties can apply to a national organisation for assistance.The Institute of Clayworkers Benevolent Fund, which is administered by the British Ceramic Confederation, is open to applications from employees, past and present, of UK-based companies engaged in the production of heavy clay and refractory goods (bricks, roof tiles, pipes and refractories).Beneficiaries are typically people who have been unable to work for some time through ill health or accident, or whose employment has been terminated on medical grounds, and who may now be struggling financially. Examples of assistance given in recent years includes a contribution towards the purchase of a wheelchair for a disabled former worker, and a grant to an employee who was on long-term sick leave after a fall at work led to back problems.Pensioners from within the industry and widows and widowers of former employees can also apply. However, ‘furlough status’ due to the COVID-19 pandemic does not fall within the remit, and applications made on this basis will not be eligible.Fund administrator Helen Clarke, of the British Ceramic Confederation, said: “We are keen to hear from any potential candidates for assistance and we ask companies who may be aware of any eligible people in need to put them in touch with the Institute.”The Institute also recognises long service and employees completing 40 years continuous service within the heavy clay and refractories industries are eligible to receive a silver medal.For more information about the fund or long service awards, please contact Helen Clarke on 01782 572852 or


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